Massage Therapy
Allow your body to surrender to the benefits of massage in a session personalized just for you. You will be in the hands of a licensed massage therapist trained in variety of massage techniques. Massage is an effective therapy which can relieve pain, reduce stress,and improve circulation.
Swedish Massage - You will depart this session totally relaxed as if all your cares are lifted
Deep Tissue Massage - Our therapist will adjust pressure and focus on areas to meet the needs of the individual
Hot Stone Massage- Allow the warmth of the stones to penetrate deep into into your body releasing the tension
Reflexology- Allow our therapist massage specific areas in your hands and feet to relieve tension and restore vitality
Pregnancy Massage- Relieve the discomforts of pregnancy
Child/Young adult Massage ages (6-17) Mini Massage Specialized for kids 20 minutes (Parent or Guardian must be present)
Vichy Shower/Body Wraps- Revitalize and rejuvenate your skin with one of our all over body scrubs or body wraps.
Call us about our specials and packages
Allow your body to surrender to the benefits of massage in a session personalized just for you. You will be in the hands of a licensed massage therapist trained in variety of massage techniques. Massage is an effective therapy which can relieve pain, reduce stress,and improve circulation.
Swedish Massage - You will depart this session totally relaxed as if all your cares are lifted
Deep Tissue Massage - Our therapist will adjust pressure and focus on areas to meet the needs of the individual
Hot Stone Massage- Allow the warmth of the stones to penetrate deep into into your body releasing the tension
Reflexology- Allow our therapist massage specific areas in your hands and feet to relieve tension and restore vitality
Pregnancy Massage- Relieve the discomforts of pregnancy
Child/Young adult Massage ages (6-17) Mini Massage Specialized for kids 20 minutes (Parent or Guardian must be present)
Vichy Shower/Body Wraps- Revitalize and rejuvenate your skin with one of our all over body scrubs or body wraps.
Call us about our specials and packages